Carob Molasses & Tahini Spread

Finally a healthy dessert you can enjoy that is good for you ! Here below is maybe one of the healthiest desserts and easiest recipes ever!  I have stated below some of the health benefits of both Carob Molasses and Tahini which are available at SWEET BEIRUT

Carob molasses contains vitamins and minerals including riboflavin, vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, carobs are 80 percent protein, according to the Australian National University. Carob molasses contain phytochemicals, that may act as antioxidants to destroy cell-damaging free radicals in the body.

Tahini contains B Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B15. B Vitamins play an essential part in the running of the body. They promote healthy cell growth and division, including that of red blood cells, which will help prevent Anemia. They also support and increase the rate of metabolism, enhance immune and nervous system function as well as helping to maintain healthy skin and muscle tone

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Carob Molasses to taste
Tahini to taste 


Put a heaping spoonful of tahini on a plate add carob syrup to taste. (I prefer more tahini than syrup but some use equal proportions).
Enjoy with bread (that is enjoyment), rice crackers or to be even healthier try it with cucumber sticks.


It is delicious, nutritious, simple and loved by adults and kids alike.