Fried sole filets with beer

The classic "à la  Meunière sauce" twisted with beer. Meunière refers to both a sauce and a method of preparation, usually for fish. The word itself means "miller's wife". Thus to cook something à la meunière was to cook it by first dredging it in flour.

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1 sole 600 gr
50 gr butter
1 fresh onion
10 cl Fischer beer
juice of ½ a lemon
finely chopped parsley
salt & pepper


Ask from your fishmonger to cut the sole filets into pieces. Fold them in two, add spices and flour. Place butter in a frying pan. Once it is hot, place the sole filets and cook well on both sides . About half way through cooking, add the fresh onion finely chopped. Remove the cooked filets from the frying pan and keep warm. Add the beer and leave until it is slightly reduced. Then add  the lemon juice. Let them boil. Place the sole filets on a plate and pour over the sauce and the parsley. 


Serve with all sorts of steamed vegetables and capers.
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