
Spoon Sweet with Firiki Apples

Spoon sweets are traditionally served on a small adorned glass plate in a small spoon; thus the name spoon sweet. Apple is not that traditional but neither that daring. Once you get into them you will want to try all different types, like small 2aubergine, or olive or whole almond spoon sweet....they come in all sizes and shapes you see!

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½ kg of firiki apples
1 kg of sugar
2 cups of water
½ lemon (the juice)
1-2 cinnamon sticks
8-10 cloves
unroasted almond slices
3-4 tsp of glucose


1. Peel the firiki apples and remove the pips with the appropriate gadget. Place in a bowl with water adding the lemon juice so they do not turn brown.

2. Put the water in a large saucepan with the sugar and the glucose.

3. When the sugar melts add the apples, cinnamon and cloves and leave to boil. Keep removing the foam until the mixture is firm.

4. Let cool, remove the cinnamon and cloves and fill the cavity created by the removal of the pips with almonds.

5. Store apples in clean vases.

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