
Τhe healthiest coffee: Greek coffee

There are a few things I would like to disclose to you about greek coffee:
1. That, yes, it is the same as turkish, syrian, egyptian,  and israeli coffee only that they sometimes give it aroma with spices.
2. That when ordering it or making it for someone you need to know the sweetness you want before it is made; the traditional options being sweet, medium and plain.
3. Don't drink the thick sludge at the bottom!

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  • 2 teaspoons Greek coffee
  • 2 teaspoons sugar for medium(3-4 teaspoons for sweet and for plain I will let you figure that one out!!)
  • 2 demitasse cups of water


Put the coffee (and the sugar, if you are using sugar) and water in a briki (small traditional coffee pot)  and heat over low heat. Preferably over a live flame,but it can be done on a various stovetops.

When the coffee begins to boil up, lift the briki off the heat until the bubble subsides.

Return to the heat and when it begins to boil up again repeat the same as before. 

Repeat this three times.

This is done in order to create a tasty thick layer called "kaimaiki" on the top of the coffee.

Careful not boil the coffee for too long.

Pour into two small cups.

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